Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Reluctant Adult

or the rediscovered teen ager, whichever you prefer. Either way, the last thing I feel at the moment is like being sensible, mature and responsible. I've had enough of all that.

Night out with Sister - fantastic; very good Vietnamese in Hackney, excellent conversation but like I blogged before, meeting up isn't all fun, fun, fun. The various personal dramas that are underfolding in both our lives were duly relayed, but with the added dose of black humour you can chuck in when you are with friends and it was lucky that the restaurant was empty so that nobody had to ask for the removal of the two banshee from the corner. Taking a long hard look at my sister was shock. We look more like each now, mainly because we are both somewhat stressed but if this is what I look like to people, then I need to do something about it.

The reorg at work would make Fawlty Towers & The Office look like a serious docu-drama. Never have I felt like such a number and not a person before. Yes I still have a job but if the "so long and thanks for all the fish" email had been entitled "Touch Luck Scum - you're on your own" it would have been more honest. I take little comfort from the fact that it's been a similarly bad experience for many others, all that means is that there are a lot of people who basically, couldn't be given a flying fuck about. Bye-bye avuncular company, hello evil step father desperate for control. It's all arse.

And relax.

Had a nagging text from a friend chiding me for not following up on plans to meet her. Great, more guilt, obviously needed some of that. Compromise agreed upon in that she's going to meet up in Town with me, as opposed to the preferred option of me spending a long and tranquil weekend in the West Country. I obviously can't even get the life balance bit right at the weekends anymore. Oh roll on October.

Update: go here!


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