Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm The Slime

"The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment"

For the first time in ages, I can genuinely say that this weekend has been pretty neat. No I haven't won the lottery, haven't had a life changing Road to Damascus type moment but simply have had a stress-free enjoyable weekend doing those sort of normal things that everyone does but for me have recently been a trial of Herculean efforts. Even the joy that is Asda on a Saturday was OK - probably because the rest of the work had fled to the coast living the urbanites who remained with more space - yay! But it was truly the simple things that worked well this weekend:

Finished the new P J Tracy thriller "Live Bait" - a brill follow up to "Want To Play?" and the perfect read for when you want to remained sprawled in one position for a couple of hours. Another reason for remaining in the same position was that Creative Zen FM Radio was slightly temperamental and once I had established that the ideal receiving position was if I was lying in same kind of yoga-eques "Anubis - the Jackal God" pose so I reckon I've toned the abdominals at the same time.

Idle question - just how many types of vile bacterial scum do you reckon a slug carried on it? Reason for asking is that the joy that was assuming the Anubis Pose in the garden meant that Zen was on the grass, as was vile, oozing scum with antlers - that then slimed over Zen in a very controlled manner. Yuck! Ideas for Slug themed Playlists welcomed. I guess "I'm The Slime" by Frank Zappa would have to be tops

Went to see the new Batman - Batman Begins (after about 20 minutes I was wishing for Batman Ends...- but even that picked up eventually) and before I give in to the "everything is fine with the world, I want to make an exception - a special hell be reserved for gits who take mobile calls during films that aren't of the relative-dying variety and for 12 year old boys who get hysterically excited at the sight of a pair of breasts during a trailer - for gods sake, haven't they found porn yet to still get wowed by 12a Cert tits..... But the film was good - go see.

Being Father's Day - I duly shuffled over to see The Old Man who had just returned back from his all time favourite location, no, not the pub but The Tip. Now I remember reading the Sir Trevor McDonald used to relish visits to the Dump as it gave him solitude and respite - maybe that's the same for my dad but that doesn't explain why both me & my sister still enjoy the prospect of going to the Tip (once we've done the recylcing thing of course!) - maybe because The Tip was the only place that we went with Dad alone as an outing. From memory, Mum didn't often to the Tip thing, and I don't think my brother did. Maybe this is some kind of weird dad-daughter bonding thing. And maybe that's why Stig of the Dump was such a cool book for us both.

Picked up an email from the "Kill Yourself or Get Over It" Mate as a result of mailing her to highlight this weirdness (see earlier blog) and she was now destined to spend the entire weekend getting her other half to find the cd it was on. Sorry Pete if you were planning a quiet one.

My other half is just about to set out on an evening out and he's meeting up with his mates in a goth pub in Camden - yep, hottest day of the day and he will be in close proximity to an entire black clad community radiating heat. Still he'll look very droll in the pseudo goth shirt from Cyberdog.


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