Friday, June 17, 2005

Getting A Grip

"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again"

Now why couldn't I have described it like that rather than ranting on like a loop....

Was listening to another Pete Ashton podcast which included a track that although I had never actually heard before, I totally knew it as someone I used to work with used to regularly quote one of the lines from it as an expression of irritation with people endlessly binting on about things. (I have a feeling I might have heard it most for a pretty good reason...) The line is "Kill yourself or get over it" and I thought I was harsh with my favourite retort being "Cope!". But now I've actually heard the track, I respect that ability to have found such an apposite view on things.

I've now remember more stuff about my mate that I'd parked away in the little visited "odd things I've done" section of my brain and it's amazing how invigouratingly vibrant they were. It was with them that I achieved a long held ambition to go into a bookies and place a bet - well there wasn't much else to do doing the lunch break on an Access course in Brum. I can even remember the horse "Hammer & Sickle" and it came in third. Shame I hadn't worked out how to do the "each way thing". ...

Now I'm convinced that putting a bet on in a grubby bookies in Brum will never feature in one of those "100 Things to Do before you die" but it's something I always wanted to do for no real reason other than it seemed pretty bizarre to be such an ordinary thing that seemed hard to do. My Mum was seriously impressed when I told her (I mean was at least 30 at the time!) as she'd always wanted to do the same! Wow - brownie points.

So is it time that I did the list thing on the grounds that if you write it down you are more likely to achieve it "I want to be fabulously witty and attractive" - nope, didn't work.

So thanks to a track that in theory should be one to guarantee immediate despondency, I'm as high as a kite because I've been able to remember a really good friend and the fun of them. So that's where all the good people have gone - to happy memory area. Cool.


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