Tuesday, June 07, 2005

"To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable"

That fantastic event I went to? Well, the pics were made available today and like many people, I tend to avoid ever having photos taken, so it was a shock to come face to face with yourself unexpected. Put this way, if I was an actress, I'd be described as having a "face with character" Or maybe if I'm honest (and to use a friends favourite expression) "a hag with a face like a bag of smashed crabs!" Blimey when did I get so old! So thanks Oscar W for the quote..

The current grouchy spell contains and I think I've identified the cause. Guilt. Currently work is a bit uncertain (reorg looms), I can't stand not being able to have some element of control over my life and spending half my time thinking that I'm about to have to try and start over again workwise isn't helping. Luckily enough, there are a few personal stresses going on as well so when I'm not worrying about trying to find a work identity, I can worry about not knowing my home identity. The mystery of the grey hairs is suddenly clear.

Thinking about music, in particular the whole "do sad songs make you sad" thing. I had the joyous experience of suddenly welling up whilst coming home - anyone else been reduced to blubbing by "Music Box" - The Cooper Temple Clause?

I guess when you are feeling like a guilt sponge hearing the lines :

" I've had a plague of late, A niggle of doubt, Yeah I've had questions of conscience of what this is about"

seems to hit the spot hard.


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