Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Special Delivery

Greatness is about to be thrust upon me.

Unfortunately it is not the case that I'm being recognised for the sterling work I do in baleing out an under resourced job by stupidly, sorry selflessly, working unpaid OT and not taking leave but rather due to the fact that even as I type, I could be in the throes of becoming a Great Aunt..... the age of 35!

My niece is merrily spawning meaning that the next generation is establishing itself. My sister is only marginally freaked out about becoming a gran - "it can learn to call me by my proper name" was her contribution to the great "grannie, gran, grana or nana" conversation. I only stopped baying like a hyena once it dawned on me that I was likely to end up as "gak" (great aunty kathy) hmmmm.

So fingers and everything else crossed, although maybe not if you're in labour - this time tomorrow I'll have another reason to feel contented by the fact that other people are admirably doing their bit for the population crisis so I don't have to.


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