Innocent Fun
Pricey they may be, but I am slowly falling in love with Innocent smoothies & thickies - although I'm not exactly enthralled with the one with beetroot in it, that one is more akin to snogging some ancient mid-life crisis angst ridden sales rep because you feel sorry for him - the rest however I could cheerfully sup up.
But it's not just the taste, no the love affair with Innocent goes beyond pure refreshment - it's done to the fact that the labels make me laugh. Go on, browse at one the next time you are out and see whether you can find the mystery ingredient, like a rubber duck or uplifting message. I was almost on the point of lauching into a photo frenzy in the supermarket to flickrise the label series (this still may happen) when it occurred to me to check the website first. Oh mash me a banana and Jack Daniels smoothie this instant - they have a label museum, Happy? I'm close to tears of exaltation here.
Personal favourites: "Thou Shalt Not", "Dial 9", "Crafty Nap" and of course "free radicals".
And Innocent will lend you books as well.......Do you think that a Valentine's Smoochie Smoothie is on the cards.
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