Sunday, December 25, 2005

Back to The Floor

Christmas is bad enough. Bad backs are bad enough. The combination of both is enough to tip me hurtling towards the edge. Luckily I don't have a stack of pressies to move around, nor am I expecting any heavyweight gifts to be bestowed upon me at Christmas Mk2, otherwise known as Boxing Day with My Parents and therefore I may well be able to festively hobble around wincing appealingly every five minutes at the pain. It still won't be enough of an acceptable excuse not to go over.

OK, it's not that bad but I have been a devotee of the hot water bottle/heat pads/deep heat all day and it is lucky that there isn't any entertaining or requirement to actually be sociable since the combination of stench of liniments and the general grumpiness caused by the embargo on no sudden movements (or actually, any movement) means that the only people likely to visit me would have been The Samaritans. I am pathetic with pain and pretty intolerant of being relatively immobile.

Lucky for me that that most of Christmas Day has been spent sat bolt upright at the pc idly browsing the web for excitement, sending emails to people I only email at Christmas and listening to the entire Festive Top 50 in one sitting (no pun intended). I even managed to photo a present and sling it on flickr - since the present is on the wall by my pc desk and the camera is within arms reach, this was less of an achievement than it sounds.

I never actually remember putting "Sciatica" on my Christmas wish-list and for those about to suggest that lying on a board would be a good idea, don't bother. The sheer slow-motion nature of the effort to took to get up from the futon this morning is enough to convince me that I should perhaps consider sleeping hanging upside down like a bat.

And the cause of this trauma - leaping around like an acid-enhanced kangaroo at the Misty's Gig up at Jug of Ale on Friday night probably had something to do with it. But all things considered, I'd have settled for a severely displaced disc if it meant having enjoyed myself as much as I did - apologies to anyone who's foot I landed on whilst bouncing around. They, and the supporting acts with a particular nod to Dog Food, were awesome and who needs mobility on Christmas Day anyway.

Pass the Ralgex please.....


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