Monday, June 06, 2005

Maybe this world is another planet's Hell

Is how Sundays make me feel....So thanks to Aldous Huxley & the good folks at Elibron Quotations for pointing it out to me.

So what's caused me to turned into the grouchy gothiron again? It's Sunday, Bloody, Sunday (to song drop - if I wasn't feeling in such a mood I'd be able to a "soundtrack to my emotions - Nick Hornby type of thing" to put it into perspective). It's not the thought of work tomorrow that brings me down - I think it is actually the case of "work tomorrow" being what gets me through the weekend, it's just the whole perception of just what couples should be doing that gets to me. When I see the duets of complementary coupleness parading around, I'm torn between pitying them for not having an identity that doesn't depend on the other person and then taking that hard look at my life in which independence is worn like a badge of pride and sharing emotions is toxic. Even the simple "loved up in aisles" (yep, Sunday is food shopping) type conversations seems to get to me (I told you I was having a bad day) seeing as it's all "what shall we have for our dinner, dear" I'm a veggie, he's the closest thing to a carnivore I know so bang goes that option for "oneness". The closest I get to "shared dinner" is if I pick the ham of the Hawaiian pizza and have the left overs.

Oh well, I enjoy being different so can't really crave normality can I?

Have spent a wonderfully solo afternoon listening to yet another eclectic mix of music courtest of another brill "podcast" from Pete Ashton. No, I'm not a paid blogger for him but I just think this bloke has got "it" and is great so click over to his site and have a listen. I don't think you will find many broadcasts that combine Warren Zevron, Camera Obscura & Hank Williams...Plus he found The Sinister Ducks...

And one fantastic highlight from last week, one of our suppliers had an event at the "Gherkin" building in London and I was invited to my first ever "event money can't buy" type thing. The panoramic views of London were breathtaking and for a few hours I felt as thought someone had giftwrapped my city for me and I was really part of something that I understood. Possibly no-one I was speaking to would have understand the ramblings of the mad woman in "untrendy" brown if they had spoken to me much later in the evening but I had the best time ever!

So why in a week as good as that do I still have Sunday-itis!


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