Not Everything Is Black & White
Whether it is the advent of Spring (you know, that bit of the year that has brilliant sunshine, azure skies, vibrant bulbs and oh yes, freezing temperatures and excessive ice on the car windscreen) or something more personal, I've been seeing colour everywhere.
My mind at the best of times (and currently this isn't a best of times) tends to ramble off in it's own world, occasionally remember to return to sender but not usually before some blinding insight of a surreal nature has been uttered at a totally inappropriate time. But one thing that I ususally could count on was that it would see things mainly in grey with a flash of sepia shoudl I be feeling cheerful but never vibrant colours. Therefore I feel as though I am starring in a particularly arty film where the colours have deeper meaning and are therefore important and worthy of being noticed. I am now drawn to colours like some moth to a lava-lamp. Recently focussing in on a trio of Renault yellow articles whilst just glancing out of a window was a good example, the yellow of a car (renault), a motorbike and a jogger seizing my attention as though the key to curing the common cold could be gleaned from them if I just looked hard enough.
I'm finding it all fascinating and am convinced that I may have started to finally nail depression that has greyed out my life for years. My favourties on flickr were a bit of a clue but it's only when I saw them all together the colour swatches flew before me. For once, rose-tinted specs are a good thing.
Colour - it's great.