What Made Me Laugh Today
Was the following extract from the weekly London-By-London email:
Q: "RE: CONKERS 'Autumn's nearly here, where's the best place to get conkers in london then?"(Spaniel)
A: "Trees are a good place to look. Or the ground underneath trees. Although I prefer hanging around outside school gates and making small children turn out their pockets. Sometimes I just turn them upside down and shake them a bit till the conkers fall out.
You have to be careful though. I ended up covered in sherbert yesterday" (Curry Mile)
Well it made me laugh.
LBL is the highlight of my week, the ongoing rants about Oystercards, the best places in London that are weird, the mini-flame wars when an off-topic is posted which resulted in one of the best non-swear swear-words coming to light ("cock-off", closely followed by "ball-hang") plus just where you can park for "free" if you are a scooter due to arcane laws and the latest concept to really appeal to me - "take away roulette". This being where you decide upon a number, stick to it and that is your take-away dinner. Knowing my luck it would be the meat+meat special but worth a thought if you are with a large group of exceptionally indecisive people.
hmmmm, when is the next trip to Brighton?
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