Boots, Music and Friends
The two gigs I've recently been to were brill; Misty's Big Adventure were seriously ace and I surprised myself by lurching around with careless abandon despite almost being the oldest person there - would recommend seeing them whenever the opportunity arises - like the 28th @ Camden Buzzard fr'instance. Love the Glove.
Laura Cantrell @ Islington Academy was emotionally perfect and I was glad that it was dim lights so that I could have an unashamed blub unfettered by thinking that someone was noticing. Bees was dedicated to John Peel and the lines "searching the streets for old friends and finding only strangers" and "no voice to say goodbye, tears on my face have I'll see you on the other side" was the ones that did it for me. My father in law loved country music and I used to politely humour him and when we went through all his stuff when it was time to clear the house finally, merrily slung all the cassettes and vinyl in the box marked "charity shop" not realising that six years later, I'd be hunting out the same Johnny Cash albums.
Music was able to really cheer me up as well when I found out that one of the singers whose track I used on a SrokaSounds podcast, Jeff Solomon (Temporary Song was the track, buy it buy it buy it) had mailed me to say I'd made his day by using it (yay) and that would it be OK to link me on his web site. Yipee! I'm there under the "news" section and if I made his day by swiping a track to use in a substandard podcast, he's made my year by writing me up. What a star - come and play the UK Jeff.
I never thought that music would cause rows in the same way religion could but a heated debate over a beer & curry evening nearly required the UN to intervene. In the red corner "stuck in the 80s - new music is crap, unknown bands are too raw", the blue corner "isn't it great the wealth of music out there to be discovered, who needs the sanitized, cling film wrapped musical equivalent of standardised tomatoes, when you can get the true ugly but full flavour version" Yet another conflict, yet another difference highlighted. I think that the subsequent purchase of the entire Now Music 1-61 knock off cd from a boot sale was a malicious act, I hope the ipod eats it - although it did give me the opportunity to add sneering comments re the artists when challenged to a name that artist session. Just because I think some of the music I grew up to is naff, it doesn't mean I've forgotten who made it.
Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth but how the hell do you cope with battery operated Pumpkin Lights? Then this week when I emerged from another 3 hour marathon hairdresser session (hehehe) found a plastic bag shoved in my direction with a "these are yours." The "these" being a new pair of DMs. Sod flowers, Docs will get anyone anything (almost) in my book - although I did notice a new pair of Cat boots purchased for the grand Oz escape so this is possibly a guilt inspired offering.
And the hair? Well now that I sport a two-tone look, I have to take preventive action to stop it becoming root heaven so the wonders of Eddie at Bladerunners worked again, and I emerged stress-free after having a couple hours worth of camp chat, reading mags, having a fag and drinking coffee and feeling strangely girly to look like this - you'd not believe that hair is naturally curly!
Oh well, countdown to Brighton & Oz commences now, if I survive the fag-hag weekend, I get to wave off a plane Monday week and then am looking forward to at least a fortnights worth of unsomina - ie 8 hours solid sleep every night as opposed to the four I tend to get currently. Bet I'll be knackered though!
Well I guess that I'd be that one older person you mentioned at the Misty's gig. Cheers!
I meant the ancient bloke leaning against the wall - not the nutter leaping around like a 16 year old...
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