Remembering What Fun Is.....
After the events on Thursday, fun and happiness was probably not the expected emotions I thought I'd be going though but meeting up with my friend changed all that. She was telling me about someone she had recently become involved with and that they had realised that if something had happened to them on Thursday (they were caught up in it all), nobody in their life knew about my friend to be let her know and she meant enough to them to change that. If that isn't a positive, powerful thing to have come from all this, I don't know what is. Everyone is important to someone, let them know it now.
So being able to catch up with her and her happiness whilst walking across from Embankment with the stunning views of the river, The City and London being London - well good for the soul. Add to that a fantastic lunch, a bit of wine and then a matinee performance of the Aristocrats at the National (OK - dealt with some issues that are a bit too close to home at times) and then waving goodbye after making plans to meet again (and deciding to definitely stick to it this time) - well it all seemed very dignified and decent and made me realise that it's not the quantity of your friends, but the quality that counts.
Then getting a call from a friend on Sunday to confirm plans for a bit of future fun to come in October and remembering that I'd got a gig ticket for October also sent through, well things should be looking up if I can continue to cope the dragging feeling of impending depression at bay.
I want to have more fun, I don't want to have to be responsible and grown up all the time and I don't want to carry on feeling as though it's all resting on my shoulders. I don't want it to go wrong again, I haven't the strength to get better again this time.
Currently listening to another of the brilliant podcasts hosted by as part of the BonfireRadio bit of Pete Ashton's website - being a bit of an emotional wreck at the minute meant that some of the tracks on the various casts really got to me. Go listen, go and be inspired to do your own as well.
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