Monday, August 15, 2005

So this is what good feels like!

Since becoming the Human Aeonium things seem to be looking up! I've not had a bout of insomina for ages (that'll be the booze dear) - which is irritating as I've loads of music I'd scheduled in for the the 2am - 4.30am pacing the floorboards slot but the payoff I do actually look as though I'm remotely human as opposed to something recently taken off of methodone.

There has been some pretty neat social life stuff going on - went to see Fruitstock Festival a couple of weeks ago at Regents Park - sponsored by Innocent Smoothie people, was very "right-on Islington" with the play area being ELC, kids yoga and lots of organic stuff and a van with udders! And music. Lots of it. For Free. Jerry Fish & The MugBug Club were excellent and I could have hurled myself at the stage if I hadn't remembered that I'm meant to be a grown up. Hal were the headliners and were brill. Got the cd of the festival and there is a really neat retro-type home movie type thingy on the website that gives a real flavour (that would be vanilla & honey) of the event. and it was free! London Parks in the Sun on a Sunday - it's what living was for.

And prior to that, my good friends at Lewisham's Bar Phoenix had a private bash for a select bunch on the Saturday before Fruitstock (well anyone able to negotiate the stairs) and the starturn was KandiKane. The Camel Toe song and Beaver live on in memory although won't be featuring on a podcast on the grounds of decency.....

and speaking of podcasts...

SrokaSounds is now part of Bonfire Radio. Pete Ashton - you are my hero! The original Gothiron Guide hosted mp3casts are still on the site (as are the two "official" editions of SrokaSounds) but have a gander at BonfireRadio and listen to those guys who sound like they know what they are doing. I sound like a whelk. Am chuffed that I am No.8.

Plus (and this is probably the reason for the euphoria) I've had two meetings in Town finishing early enough to take advantage of being able to go into a good old fashioned proper smokey City pub. For the best part of 16 years I used to work in London and one of the highlights used to be being able to go for a smoke and pint (or three) at lunchtime or afterwork. Then you get shipped out to an out of town work-park (no pubs worth bothering about and what's the fun of half a weak shady because you've got to drive home later). I felt like someone had rolled back 10 years when I was slurping the beer in the heart of the City surrounded by smokers and drinkers who were there to relax in the traditional manner. Bliss.

Oh it won't last but at the moment I feel like I'm human again for a while at least and you know what. It's great!


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